Friday, August 14, 2009

The Beginning

For years i've been making mixtapes. This morning, as I was telling a new friend of mine how excited I am to have found a $5 deck that works great and can replace my warbly-ized old sony deck, and how I was going to spend the day making tapes, he asked - what do you do with all these tapes you make? No one's really asked me that question before, and not in a way that made me think - huh, not enough.

Jess Hopper linked to this blog, Year of Mixtapes a few days ago, and my mind was blown. I've thought about distributing my tapes before, and have made imeem playlists that are close to physical mixtapes i've made, but I never really thought about digitizing them and sharing them that way (which is, uh, ridiculous). So, this is my mixtape blog.

I downloaded Audacity today and have figured out how to jerry rig my stereo to record my mixes. For now, the way this will work is I will digitize the actual mixtapes I make and have made - all recorded from tape, mp3, and vinyl - and will share them. At some point, when I learn how to do it, I may skip the recording to cassette step and record straight to the computer (as I would when making a tape, but without the tape step). But for now, this is all I know how to do.


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LINKS: Eating A Hobo - Spool Spectrum - This Moi - Wasted Youth Sound System - Weekend Party Update - Besty Q. Bramble - Todo Mundo - Rogue Femme Art - Holy Craft! Fair

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